artwork in central
作 品 欣 赏
Artist XiongMing 生日:1965 籍贯:江西
熊明1986年入浙江美术学院进修(现中国美术学院)油画系师从全山石、马玉如、秦大虎、徐芒耀、 黄德义、金湄等老师。
90~91年就读于杭州教育学院。2011年7月受意大利美术家联盟邀请赴意展出个人的作品,他独特的“中国 味”油画风格在当地油画界产生一定的反响。现今为法国卢浮宫签约画师。据悉,卢浮宫对签约艺术 家要求非常严格乃至苛刻,迄今能与其签约的中国乃至华裔艺术家寥寥无几。协议一年一签,即使签 约,卢浮宫也可以根据艺术家的创作表现随时解约。正因如此,卢浮宫艺术殿堂的魅力令艺术家们梦 寐以求。当年如毕加索、莫奈、德加、霍贝等大师都系与卢浮宫签约。如今,与卢浮宫已签约达5年的 熊明,又与卢浮宫续签,正走向艺术生涯的辉煌进程。 2018年2月在上海壹号美术馆举办“韶妍海上”国内首次个人展览。2018年5月在法国巴黎参加卢浮宫组织的画家作品展,同月加入法国卢浮宫 艺术家协会。2018年9月3日加入美国肖像协会,2019年10月17日加入纽约美术家协会。2019年11 月他的作品《大师的起步》入展美国国家画展。

画 家 的 原 则
The principle of the painter
熊明始终坚持一个原则:“中国绘画以“写”马绘画的基本技法;中国绘画讲“书”“画”同源,我把这一点作为自己绘画的基本原则,然后结合从老师那学到的油画基础来解释中国绘画。尽心尽力形成自己独 特的风格”。心无旁骛,努力提高自己在稳定中不断前行,利用每年在卢浮宫画画期间对绘画的起源和古 典作深入体会,把古典绘画的技术带回中国,用基本理念,基本色彩,透视空间思维来丰富我们国家的绘 画文化,用西方的语言表现中国的文化。用中国文化来诠释艺术之美,展示中国绘画独特的艺术魅力。担 负起一个画家最基本的社会责任,为推动东方文化尽绵薄之力。

Inspired by history and Chinese calligraphy, creating colors from 2,000 year old frescoes, while following the traditional Chinese techniques of artmaking.
Specialist in two types of artworks: oil paintings on fine linen and paintings resembling traditional Chinese art styles by applying watercolor, ink, oil, and acrylic on a range of surfaces
Employing the curves and simple forms of Chinese calligraphy to complete the works with clear lines.
Art works reflect the idea that simplicity is a marker of great skill.
1986 - 1991 BA in Oil Painting
Department of Oil Painting,
China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China
Working Experiences
2017 - Present, Professional Painting, New York, NY
2013 - 2017, Louvre Copyists (Learn by Painting the Masterpieces), the Louvre Museum, Paris, France
1997 - 2013, Professional Painting. Gallery in Hefang Street, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
1991 - 1997, Lecturer, Xiaoshan Bureau of Education, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang, China
Professional Memberships
Life Member of The American Artists Professional League
Life member of the China Association for International Exchange
Member of the French Association for the Reproduction of the Louvre
Member of the Uni
on of Italian Artists
Member of the Fujian Artists Association
Competitions and Awards
2022 His watercolor artwork “whistling mountains and rivers” participated to the 2022 ENDANGERED Fine Art & Photography Contest.
2021 Director Award, oil painting "Chocolate Ice Cream", 93rd American International Exhibition, New York, NY
2019 Shortlisted, "The Beginning of a Master", 91st Grand National Exhibition of International Artists, New York, NY
2017 Shortlisted, Chinese painting "Horse", 8th Zhejiang Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition, Art Museum of Hangzhou Academy of Painting, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
2012, Shortlisted, Artwork "Three Lanes and Seven Alleys", The First Fujian Freehand Painting Exhibition", Fujian, China
2012, Shortlisted, Artwork was selected into the "East Ocean Waves" Newcomer and New Work Contest, Fujian Province Donghailang (New Works) Art Works Exhibition, Fujian Artists Association, Fujian, China
2011, Shortlisted, Oil painting "Portrait of Mr. Sun Yat-sen", "Xinhai Revolution Centennial Exhibition" in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
2011, Shortlisted, Oil painting "Carnival", the large-scale exhibition of "Glorious Course-Commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of the Communist Party of China".
2005 Shortlisted, Hangzhou Oil Painting Exhibition, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Selected Exhibitions
2022 Two-Person Exhibition, New York Cultural and Educational Center, Albany, New York (with artist )
2022 Group Exhibition “A Step Beyond Ordinary”, Gallery in Manhattan, New York
2022 47th member calligraphy and painting exhibition of the American Chinese Calligraphy Association
2019 A Hundred Flowers Blooming--The First Chinese Art Works Invitational Exhibition of Ars News
2018 Louvre Copy Painting Exhibition, French Louvre Copy Association, Paris, France
2018 Solo Exhibition, "Shaoyan on the Sea--Ming Xiong solo exhibition", Shanghai First Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2017 Solo Exhibition, "Lu Xiang Fu Dong"-Xiong Ming Painting Exhibition, Hangzhou Liangyuan Painting and Calligraphy Club, Zhejiang, China
2017 20th West Lake Art Fair, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
2011 "Colors from China" Painting Exhibition, Royal Museum of Turin, Turin, Italy
2011 14th West Lake Art Fair, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
2010 13th West Lake Art Fair, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Auction Records
On September 12, 2020, Oil Printing "Niagara Falls", 50x60cm in size, oil on canvas, had a total turnover of 2.875 million RMB. ($410, 714.28) at Beijing Hanhai Auction House, Beijing, China
In 2017, Traditional Chinese paintings were sold for 207,000RMB ($29,571.42), at Jiabao Auction House in Zhejiang Province, China
On June 26, 2016, Ink work "Eight Steeds" was auctioned with a transaction price of 149,000 RMB ($21,285.71), at Jiabao Auction House in Zhejiang Province, China
2018, "Shao Yan Hai Xiong Ming's personal collection", Today Publishing House, Yangon, Myanmar
2016, "Pioneer of the Times - Famous Calligraphers and Painters - Xiong Ming Han Mo Dan Qingyao China" limited edition stamp album
Media Coverage
Appreciation of Xiong Ming's works, published in the Art Newspaper, 2010
Special Issue on Artist Xiong Ming's Appreciation of Personal Works, published in the Fine Arts Newspaper, February 20, 2016
Xiong Ming and his works on the full page, and released information on Xiong Ming's works and agency sales, published by art newspaper, July 14, 2018
Special edition of Xiong Ming's art works appreciation, by Art News Weekly, December 28, 2019
Special edition for appreciation of Xiong Ming's works of art, by Fine Arts New, December 19, 2020
Xiong Ming - Colors from China, exhibition report, by Italian LEGGO Newspaper, July 18, 2011,
Personal Interview of Hangzhou Painter Xiong Ming's "Chinese Taste" Oil Painting Favored, by the Italian Artists Union, and Published on Zhejiang Channel of Xinhua Net, September 13, 2011
Interview with Xiong Ming: Watcher of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, Hangzhou Daily Newspapers, Reprinted by Sina News, January 14, 2016
"Lu Xiang Floating" - Xiong Ming Painting Exhibition opened in Hangzhou, reported by Zhejiang Art Network, August 7, 2017
"Shao Yan on the Sea - Xiong Ming Solo Exhibition" opens today, let's appreciate the elegance of the artist's live creation!, by Yi Art Museum, February 3, 2018
Appreciation of Xiong Ming's landscape oil painting "Entrance to New York's Central Park", by Gaodi Culture, September 24, 2019
Appreciation of Xiong Ming's oil painting "Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter in Harlem-Meer", by Gaodi Culture, September 24, 2019
Fisherman's Pride·Jie Xiong Ming's Road to Master, by Gaodi Culture, August 24, 2017
Appreciate a painting in your own way, by Gaodi Culture, June 9, 2017
Xiong Ming's oil painting "The End of the World" explores the mystery of the painting, by Gaodi Culture, August 30, 2018
Appreciation of Xiong Ming's oil painting "Portrait of Carmine Gelli", by Gaodi Culture, July 18, 2019
"Shaoyan on the Sea" Xiong Ming's solo exhibition before and after
Listening to Sanskrit sounds outside the painting, creating a pure state of mind——Appreciation and analysis of Xiong Ming's painting "Sanskrit sounds", by
Go hand in hand, go far together, by
Interpretation of Xiong Ming's "The Beginning of Man" series of paintings (1) To be continued,
Interpretation of Xiong Ming's "The Beginning of Man" series of paintings (4),
"Horse" edge,
The Heart of a Craftsman, the Thinking of a Philosopher, and the Skills of China and the West - Thinking about Xiong Ming’s Horse Picture, by Gaodi Culture
There is a fragrance in the dark, and it is not hidden by people who don’t know it, Appreciation and Analysis of Xiong Ming’s Oil Painting Begonias, by Gaodi Culture
Painting, Situation and Zen——Appreciation and analysis of Xiong Ming's oil painting "Winter at Gapusto Bridge" https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Zr4DLCWVjXzveRtiEAG45A
Independence between Heaven and Earth——Appreciation and analysis of Xiong Ming's oil painting "Wandering Artist" https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/riiPDM4hnbzOzxl_qvir4Q
Maintain a sunny state of mind——Appreciation of Xiong Ming's oil painting "Flowing Volcano"
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Hk4JLL-mvOUilCtfF7jR_w -
Appreciation of Xiong Ming's abstract painting "Yao Huang"
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/38CofOvQlpr3QDGtq-HhaA明抽象画《姚黄》赏析 -

画家熊明“中国味”油画获意大利美术家联盟青睐9月2日,意大利美术家联盟主席、意大利北部商会联盟主席杰 米瑞·吉利Carmine Gelli和意大利画家克劳迪奥·朱利亚内利,专程到杭州河坊街画家熊明,并高度赞赏他的油画水 平。杰米瑞·吉利认为,熊明的油画是真正做到了中西结合,他的画展现的是中国文化,采用的是西方油画的创作 手法,使欧洲人能更好更容易理解中国的文化,了解中国文化的博大精深。而且熊明是一个很全面的艺术家,他能 够在油画中体现出中国水墨“写”的特点。7月份在意大利,他带去了有中国写意风格的油画作品,并现场表演了国画,给当地的人带来非常深刻的印象。杰米瑞·吉利说:“我经常往来于意大利和中国之间,但是像熊明这样能 兼顾中国画和油画的画家真是难的。”由于意大利美术家联盟对熊明的认可,他们计划年将再次邀请熊明去意大 利,为他举办画展。对中国的画家来说在油画上想获得欧洲人的认可很难,但我们认为熊明将更容易被人接受和喜 爱,因为他拥有杰出的绘画技艺。”杰米瑞·吉利说。熊明画的牡丹是在宣纸上画油画水彩,牡丹叶子的表现手法 是把中国的大写意和西方的塑造同时放在一起。他在油画中体现出中国水墨山水的特点。国外绘画、雕塑作品让他 深感震撼并有了创作灵感,他在自己的油画作品中加入中国元素,在抽象中涉及许多中国传统题材,向世人显示了 中国传统美学的意境,以自己特有的姿态证明自己的理念:“如何用西方语言去诠释中国绘画”。